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How to Discover the Joy of Exercise As You Get Older

Have you reached an age where you would like to focus more on the benefits of exercise to keep your body fit and free moving? Do you need a bit of help to get going?

We invited our regular Mature Movers at Just Believe Fit to share ideas on what motivates them and what advice they would give to people just getting started. Read on for some down to earth tips and advice…

  1. Just Start
    Our Mature Movers all agree: Just press start and go for it!
    “Just give it a try,” Anne urges. Sue’s tip is to “start with small steps,” and Anne seconds that, “Start small and with something you think won’t be too daunting.”
  2. Do Some Research
    “Talk to other Mature Movers about their experiences,” Anne recommends. “Ask if you can view a recording of a class to see if it is right for you.”
    Merilyn’s advice is to jump right in there, “Best prices out there to try a selection of classes and find out what you like,” she says.
    Anne is all for taking advantage of the free-class offer for people new to the studio. “Try before you buy! Don’t forget that if you don’t like one style of class, there are plenty of others to choose from,” she says.
  3. Don’t do it Alone
    Encourage a friend to try a class with you. Once you’re there, we guarantee you will meet people the same as you. That was Alex’s experience. She came when invited by a friend, and found the groups “welcoming, friendly and encouraging.”
    Julie has had the same experience. “Just Believe Fit Mature Movers provides a sense of belonging to a supportive community for all ages, shapes and abilities,” she says.
  4. Book Classes in Advance
    Sit down with your diary or calendar and book in some classes. “I have found that having a time where I have a class booked makes me go,” Gay says. “Once you’re there it is fun and a great sense of achievement.”
  5. Do What You Can
    “I like the fact the classes are called Mature Movers as it makes me feel in my comfort zone, although I do attend other classes and feel welcome and just do what I can achieve,” Gay says.
    Only do what you can do for each class and gradually build up your fitness, is Sue’s approach. “I’m doing all chair-based classes augmented with YouTube seated Zumba sessions and I’m hoping to progress to standing/weight-bearing classes as I get fitter.”
    If you feel fear of being judged, try the at-home Zoom classes. You can always turn off your video. Or try speaking to one of the Just Believe Fit instructors, who are welcoming, knowledgable and ready to put you at ease.
  6. See the Big Picture
    “I find staying motivated always tricky, but I try and see it as part of the big picture of staying well, exercise, eating a healthy diet and social contact,” says Gay. Sue’s motto for fellow oldies is to take “baby steps!”…we guarantee you will be hopping, skipping and jumping before you know it,
    Take your first steps today with a Mature Movers class at Just Believe Fit!